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  EAZ MAG Writer  


Welcome back to a new school year, we hope you’ve all enjoyed the summer!

The EAZ MAG team would like to thank you for your continued support; the positive messages we have received since the change of framework notification have been overwhelming. We are at an all time high of renewals with new schools joining us due to our current users spreading ‘the EAZ MAG love’.

We are looking forward to working with you all in the coming year.
  New Features  
Weekly Assessments
  Weekly Assessments

A new 'Weekly Assessment' section has been added to the assessment page to allow schools to log test scores/assessments over 39 weeks rather than being limited to termly/half termly. Subject headers can also be amended in your
Settings >Assessment Setup > Without Levels page.

Summative Setup
  Weekly Assessments

You can now easily add/update/delete your own EAL, SEN, EYFS (catch up) and NC summatives from the Settings > Bespoke Framework Setup > Summatives page.  This new section allows you to use your own summative blueprint and specify your own sub descriptor, steps and small steps numerical flightpaths to complement this blueprint.

And remember we are just an email or a phone call away: - 01709 829 087